Friday, May 13, 2011

T. 2

Maxim's 2nd hottest, but on the front cover. She's a geek goddess, don't need a lova. Turn't up chick, abottabad as 'sama. And her purple swag, got it from her motha. Them dueces up, and dueces down, throwin' peace out to her Asian-esse background. Her other half is just as bad as sound, white noise, she gets around. G's Quarterly, bang 'em up and leave 'em down. Seasons go by the '4th, you silly ho, damn cunt... Nah, just fvckin', don't mean it yo, am blunt... Random as fvcks keeps ya glamour ass shut from ever expressin' what you will, manners that's cut. I can never define ya, nor judge or design love.. Fvck. It. Sick of seeing hearts robbed, body gloved... touched with tha latex, left nutted make-up sludge.

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