Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Two Cents

One penny + anotha = story for centuries. Dime + penny = Macks 11. One Nickel, Nick is it, Two Nicks for tha dime + penny's half story. Two dimes come within' a dozen, One dime plus two penny's = ONE and TWO DOLLARS. Big Benz transfers for tha New 1 and 2 to get to the twelve. Mack 11's spray for the tech's 9. I'm 1 and she is 2. 2 + 2 = 4 holding hands and chopping heads on the TIME KLOCK. 2 minus' the other for the moment in TIME. I now rest my case of the New EX, if it must, In GOD I trust. I Might Put A Life Away, standing on the left of the Chess board, the Queen awaits a next move. Theres plenty of Kilo-Annum left, hence KA dots the RA. Now it connects like the dots on my face. I'm playing dominoes now. Give me a year of pure neglect, I'm in effect to deflect and reflect once I'm back HOME in CALI where I belong. Or is it? YOU tell me. Sacajeweah and Lady Liberty didn't get along, so I married L & L for the Win.

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