Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1 in the Same

By opening sanctuaries at midnight, I mean sleep on it.. Cousin of death will tell you your head is the safest place left among turfs.. Finding out your path of trials and tribulation can only be judged by birth.. Everyone is different, they grow and take along all that has hurt.. If there's two trails, lead 1 to meet the first, both story bodes well, when all I done was put in work.. Next episode, get well, love thirst, how far will it take you, run tell, write it cursed.. Break spells, MA's SON, a Game called flirt.. Big Ben Thousand, searchin' for One and Two, my foot first.. Forward to 36 O'Klock, day and a half, overtime, even when dozeddd, all G. double O's be your eyes D. fetch nerves.. They tell you anything, how does it feel, bubble burst.. Gum Over Others, Defend what has purged..

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