Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The LHC(Large Hadron Collider) is a very intimidating scientific system put forth in testing by none other than CERN. The main purpose of it's use will be to further explore the magnificent atoms that make up the universe of what it is today. An experiment to try and obtain "Big Bang" theory like temperature in a controlled environment examined by highly qualified physicists and scientists alike. I have seen on a few pages of media about concerned citizens worrying about it's primary and life defying use, but have not dived into comments as I can already see the accusations that would hinder the educational purpose. This is an interesting test being put out by the founders of the WorldWideWeb. There's even an atom in the name of God himself of which we are seeking to match the equation of the nano instance. I stand with the physicists in order to gain a piece of time and space itself added with what we know as massive energy mingling with each other to eventually become what is now, the Universe.

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